
Aneesha Sahni

Principal- Primary School

“The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination.” – Albert Einstein

Imagination is critical in child development as it fosters cognitive and social development. It is the door to possibilities. As firm advocates of this ideology, we constantly endeavor to foster tinkering and creative thinking in all our learners. Keeping up with the changing scenario of education, we believe in developing active and imaginative individuals out of all our students. For this, together the team has reimagined learning at Prometheus!

With the growing advancement in every field, especially after the Covid-19 pandemic, educators all around the world have also witnessed a transformation in the way children learn and develop. There has been an increased focus on a more inquiry-based learning methodology and a need to move away from traditional teaching techniques, resulting in the holistic development of the child. I am extremely glad to be a part of this evolving scenario which emphasizes the importance of play in PYP enhancement.

My philosophy resonates deeply with the words of Vince Gowmon, “When we make play the foundation of learning, we teach the whole child.” As an educator, I have not only observed but also realized the importance of play as an essential tool to facilitate learning in the classroom. Children learn best through play. It is the highest form of research leading to exploration, curiosity, investigation, experimentation, and discovery. Play engages the brain in ways which several traditional methods of rote memorization and workbooks do not. The essence of play-based learning resides in the fact that it provides a platform for student voice and choice by harnessing their creative energy, resulting in a positive form of creative expression. Play is an instrumental tool for learning which not only facilitates socialization wherein the child learns key 21st-century skills such as teamwork, negotiation with peers, problem-solving and improvisation but also provides the child with a sense of agency and ownership. What do children learn and why? How best do they learn? How age-appropriate is it? How relevant is it? These are some of the key questions we keep in mind while framing our curriculum.

We aim to provide our learners with a conducive environment preparing them for the future. We wish to provide a skill-based classroom environment where independence, thinking skills, collaboration and active learning are developed at the same time as knowledge is acquired. With a strong team of skilled and enthusiastic faculty, we have been implementing an inquiry and play-based curriculum framework that complements each child’s learning style.

About Aneesha Sahni

Ms. Aneesha Sahni, as the Principal of Primary School, has been associated with Prometheus school since its inception. She is a passionate educator with over 15 years of experience in primary education. Her experience has been with The Pathways School, Noida, and The British School. She is extensively trained in IBPYP to lead a school in the vision of IB. At Pathways, she was one of the founder teachers and was a part of the team that took the school through its PYP authorization and evaluation process.

She is a postgraduate in Education, English and Marketing and Finance. She embraced her passion for working with children and that is evident in her easy connection with children of all age groups. In addition to her teaching qualifications, she holds a South Australian certificate for teaching English as a Second Language (ELS) in a mainstream class. She has attended numerous IBPYP Category 1,2 and 3 workshops and early childhood education courses in the United Kingdom including Managing EYFS, The Ultimate Early Years Environment and Language and Literacy in Early Childhood. She is a well-known educator, workshop leader that brings in global best practices, and an exceptional trainer of Jolly Phonics. She has trained many teachers across North India.

An advocate of play-based learning and field based experiential learning, Ms. Sahni continues to inspire several educators and learning facilitators to come up with newer and more innovative practices to create conducive and welcoming learning spaces for students. Ms. Sahni’s vision, expertise and proficiency has helped us create spaces for our learners where they can grow and develop holistically, in line with Prometheus’s vision to reimagine learning.