Literary Week

Literary Week
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“Literary week” was organized from 3rd to 7th February to encourage greater awareness about literature and promote book reading. A lot of activities were organized for this. It began with “DEAR TIME” for the whole school for the entire week during which students read books from the library. They even marketed those books to their friends in the primary with help of posters created in class.

Acrostic poems were written defining the  Learner Profile of the students. They chose their own attribute and then elaborated it with embellishments. These were created into posters which found a place as branches of the POEMTREE in their wing.

The second and third days witnessed a visit by the illustrator Mr. Satya and the author Ms. Stuti Agrawal. Mr.Satya introduced the students to the art of scroodling and thus created illustrations. All creations were strung together into a story with the help of a storyline.

Ms. Stuti held a story telling session after which students turned her reading into pictorial stories.

The fourth day saw them all excited as it was the day their parents participated enthusiastically in games like Musical Books and Reading out a story for a Cover Page. Musical Books engaged the parents in reading varied books while playing Musical Chairs. Students listened to the story read out to them for the cover page with rapt attention.

The games were enjoyed by both the parents and the students.

Parents shared their experiences after the games which were very enriching. Students also participated in POEM IN A POCKET wherein they  read out verses of their choice to each other. They also created an advertisement for the school which was part of their FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT.

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